Article the or no article exercises pdf

Read each sentences and decide whether it is correct or not. Here the definite article the is used to give the impression that the listener knows which minister the speaker is talking about. Esl grammar definite, indefinite, and no article in english. The definite article learnenglish teens british council. Exercises usually appear on separate pages, or grouped together on a page. The word the is one of the most common words in english. Articles a, an, the, some, no article downloadable worksheets. Grammar exercise articles a, an, the or zero article. Mar 18, 20 how do we use the articles a, an, the and no article. This is a difficult subject for students of english, and i hope this intermediate lesson will help you understand how they are used. Sometimes no article is used, referred to as 0 article. We use the definite article with groups of mountains but no article with single mountains.

Using articles articles are used to indicate whether a noun refers to a specific or a general item. When to use no article in english with 7 useful rules 7. The definite or zero article exercise zero the s church. Fill in the blank with the appropriate article, a, an, or the, or leave the space blank if no article is needed. Nov 14, 2017 exercises definite article or no article.

Grammar exercise definite and indefinite articles a, an, the or zero article do the exercise below on articles and click on the button to check your answers. No article learn when to use no article in english with useful grammar rules and example sentences. These exercises are a supplement to the exercises of in charge 1, unit 9. The speaker may believe this for many different reasons, some of which are listed below. Here are the basic rules for when to use a, an or the. Check answers your answers will be displayed in a new window back to list of exercises.

Beginnerintermediate choose the correct and most naturalsounding response to complete each sentence. Twitter share english exercise a, an, the, no article created by felin with the test builder. Exercise 22 of 30 focusing on the english articles a, an, and the. This grammar exercise tests your ability to use articles correctly.

Exercises a, an, or nothing click the answer button to see the correct answer. In charge 1 grammar definite and indefinite articles. The definite article the in english free online exercise with explanation. They usually go skiing in the alps but last year they went to france and skied on the mont blanc. Articles a, an, the, some, no article english exercises. The definite article the english grammar exercises. The cheese in that shop is great s things in general i love cheese s people from countries the french s streets. Fill the gaps with aan, the or x if it isnt necessary to use any article. The mayor was sent to prison shops he went to the bakers meals we have lunch at two. Its really difficult to make generalizations about definite articles because they are so contextual. To england, from france, in japan, from lake victoria, towards malta, round cape horn.

Test yourself with our free english language quiz about definite article or zero article. The names of most countries, before the names of lakes, islands or capes. Its also possible that the use of definite article with such important groups is a little different in india than in the uk due to the different political and social situation. But when theres a noun after it, we use aan according to the first sound of the adjective.

Explanations and examples along with tests and exercises online to practise english articles. For each blank space, choose the proper article a, an, the, or no. This is a free beginner english grammar quiz and esl worksheet. The worksheet found here would be great for classes of intermediate students. Definite and indefinite articles pdf worksheets english.

This section is all about the definite article the, as well as indefinite articles a and an. They can find the correct article in a sentence, or choose from a lineup of articles to insert into a phrase to get some practice using them in reallife situations. How do we use the articles a, an, the and no article. This portion of the site is dedicated to definite articles.

Articles worksheets are in pdf format and consist of a worksheet and answer sheet to check your results. Sometimes it is possible to have a noun phrase with no articlethe socalled zero article. You can make a teacher copy with answers by clicking on show all, then printing. Printable and online articles exercises fill in the blanks with a, an, the articles or put x for nothing. Grammar points a1 grammar lessons and exercises aan, the, no article the use of articles in english. Sometimes it is possible to have a noun phrase with no articlethe socalled zero article i need a bowl of rice. November 14, 2017 articles are not used in some common fixed expressions. Exercise 3 if necessary, add the before the place name. We do not use an article when talking about sports and games.

Nov 23, 2018 minister is a singular countable noun. Decided whether to use the definite article the or not. According to a an the x national weather service, a an the x cyclones are a an the x areas of circulating winds that rotate counterclockwise in a an the x northern hemisphere and clockwise in a an the x southern hemisphere. Do the exercise below on articles and click on the button to check your answers. Esl grammar definite, indefinite, and no article in. We dont use aan before an adjective when theres no noun after it. We use the before a noun when the other person knows or can work out which thing we are referring to did you lock the door. When to use no article in english with 7 useful rules 7 e s l. A complete the following exercise with a an or the articles. Exercise 3 of 30 focusing on the english articles a, an, and the. The definite article the is the most frequent word in english.

We use the definite article in front of a noun when we believe the listenerreader knows exactly what we are referring to. Definite and indefinite article english grammar exercises. Sentences and one recipe, where are students supposed to complete the texts with an articles. Ask students to say what they remember about the pros and cons of gene manipulation from the reading on pages 115 and 116 of the student text. Answers to articles exercise 1 passage with correct articles inserted. The definite article exercises watch the video and read the conversation between sophie and emma. Also, no article is generally used when referring to means of transport by plane or common expressions of time and place at midnight, in jail. In general, no article is used with proper nouns, mass nouns where the reference is indefinite, or plural count nouns where the reference is indefinite. The definite article the in english online exercise. A, an, the, no article a free english exercise to learn english. The speaker and listener know which pie and the whole house only has one oven. Articles a, an, the and no article lesson 9 youtube. Before doing the exercises you may want to read the lesson on articles.

I dont really like sweet things but i love a chocolate. The entire lesson plan along with all the necessary handouts is included in one download for your convenience. No, we dont use the definite article to generalise about abstract things. All english a an definite and indefinite articles exercises free and with help function, teaching materials and grammar rules. We usually use no article to talk about things in general. Article articles exercise 1 complete the following sentences using appropriate articles a, an or the. Zero article is a speaking behavior where the article the or a is not used. All english a an definite and indefinite articles exercises free and with help. Advanced choose the correct and most naturalsounding response to complete each sentence. Students are expected to fill in the blanks in the text with a, an, the where it is necessary.

Free exercises on definite and indefinite articles a, an, the or zero article. The indefinite articles aan and the definite article the. When to use no article in english with 7 useful rules. Definite article, indefinite article, mixed article, zero article it is a set of 3 exercises to practise the definte and indefinite articles. We use the definite article when we talk about something specific or that we know. The rules for using articles in english are quite complex, so for students whose first language is not english, when to use an article, and which article to use can cause problems. English a an definite and indefinite articles rules with examples, exercises and answers. Please complete the following exercise using aanthe0 no article in the underlined. For each of the following sentences, fill in the blank with either a, an, the, or no article. Before doing the exercises you may want to read the lesson on articles choose the correct article. Exercise 1 choose aan, the or no article to complete the following sentences. Then do these exercises to check your understanding of the definite article. The definite article is sometimes omitted before words such as prison, school, bed, and in standard nonamerican dialects hospital, hence. Choose a, an, the or for no article for each blank below, then click the check button to check your answers.

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